Farm Schemes
Farm schemes are varied in type but serve to protect and enhance different parts of Irish agriculture. From the Basic Payment Scheme to Shared farming each focuses on different objectives and achieve different results.
Some schemes are subsidised from European funds, some are joint funded through European and Irish funds and some schemes rely solely on Irish funding alone.
ICMSA endevor to represent our members to make sure that current and future schemes are shaped with farmers needs as a proirity. With the ever changing economy and environment, sustainability is now seen as a neccessity and key objective of all schemes.
ICMSA belive that Economic and Environmental Sustainabiliy go hand in hand and will focus on both themes, getting equivliance priorities in upcoming policy and scheme formation.
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+353 (0)61 314677
ICMSA Head Office
John Feely House
Dublin Road
V94 KX38