Pat McCormack President of ICMSA_ - Copy (2)

ICMSA’s McCormack welcomes decision of EU Parliament on Animal Transport Regulations – “Sense and science have prevailed”

The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has welcomed the decision of the European Parliament to accept amendments to the ANIT Committee proposals on animal transport.  Mr. McCormack said that the proposals from the ANIT Committee were clearly unworkable from both the perspective of animal welfare and farming. He said he was satisfied that sense and science had prevailed.

Noting that the EU Commission is likely to bring forward proposals on animal transport in 2023, Mr. McCormack said that ICMSA’s position was that equal enforcement of existing regulations across member states should be the priority before any new regulations are contemplated. Any new framework must also acknowledge Ireland’s vulnerable position as the only sizable island nation in the EU.

“Ireland performs strongly in terms implementing and enforcing animal transport regulations and we are entitled to call for a more uniform enforcement of those existing regulations before we are ‘bounced’ into unworkable and unnecessary ‘new’ regulations that would probably remain unenforced by those same States who do not enforce the present system”, he concluded.

Ends     20 January 2022

Pat McCormack, 087-7608958

President, ICMSA.


Cathal MacCarthy, 087-6168758

ICMSA Press Office