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ICMSA want monitoring role of Farmers’ Charter to ‘kick in’ and get going.


After more than 10 rounds of meetings negotiating the Farmers Charter of Rights Committee for 2023-2027, ICMSA’s Deputy President, Eamon Carroll, has called on the Minister to establish the Charter Monitoring Committee so the checking and measuring phase can begin. Mr Carroll noted that the substantive issues such as payment…

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ICMSA call for reconvening of National Fodder Committee this Friday as “unsettled weather” set to continue.


The President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has called for a further meeting of the National Fodder and Food Security to be held next Friday (5 April).   Mr. Drennan’s call follows forecasts of yet more unsettled weather running through next weekend and into the following week.     The ICMSA President said…

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As Nature Restoration Law gets “stuck again” – ICMSA call for complete reassessment.


The decision of the EU Environment Council not to proceed with a vote on the proposed EU Nature Restoration Act was absolutely correct and the continuing reservations about the excesses of the law must lead to a complete re-assessment of both the NRL and the ‘heavy-handed and one-sided’ EU Agri-environment…

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ICMSA critical of “derisory” funding of Dairy Beef Scheme and ask for real support.


While acknowledging the announcement of the new Dairy Beef Scheme, the President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, said that any reasonable analysis of the funding allocated could conclude that the €6.5m per year allocated is derisory set against data showing that the sector that is delivering over €1.7 billion in exports…

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ICMSA say “exceptionally long and wet winter” will require a 2024 Fodder Support Scheme across all sectors.


With cattle housed in many parts of the country since last September and in most areas since early October, ICMSA has called on the Minister for Agriculture, Food & Marine to immediately introduce a Fodder Support Scheme for all farmers to address what has been an exceptionally long and wet…

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ICMSA push for an extension to closing date for spreading under Liming Scheme


Given the extremely wet conditions continuing across the country and with the weather outlook for the coming week not particularly positive, the Deputy President of ICMSA, Eamon Carroll has called on the Minister for Agriculture, Food & Marine to immediately extend the closing date for the spreading of lime under…

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Operating Surplus of Irish Agri falls by 36% in two years – ICMSA say “dashboard lights turning Red and blinking fast”.


The President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has said that “the dashboard lights are turning Red and blinking fast” after the CSO’s Agriculture Estimates for 2023 show a collapse in the sector’s operating surplus by 36% in just two years. Referring to data published today by CSO as ‘Output, Input and…

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ICMSA query Ornua increase in processing costs and demand “complete breakdown independently verified”.


Following the decision of Ornua to increase the estimated processing costs for the PPI calculation by 1.9 cpl for February, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee, Noel Murphy, said there is huge anger amongst dairy farmers in relation to the change and he called on Ornua to provide the complete…

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ICMSA complain that Irish Beef prices trail UK counterparts by up to 64c/kg and disparity being ‘normalised’.


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Livestock Committee, Michael O’Connell, has accused beef processors of cutting farmer prices ‘under the radar’ over the past few weeks and leaving Irish prices “absolutely adrift” of their UK counterparts. “As beef finishers face into the most expensive quarter of the year in terms of finishing…

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ICMSA say case for rise in price for Feb milk “overwhelming”.


Speaking in advance of the February round of milk price announcements, the Chairperson of the ICMSA Dairy Committee, Noel Murphy, said that all Co-ops need to increase their milk price to reflect market realities and to provide dairy farmers with a badly needed ‘confidence boost’ after an extremely difficult 12…

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