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ICMSA “categorical” that ACA for slurry storage will not end in June and will continue for the three-year period indicated in Budget

Speaking after receiving many calls from confused and anxious farmers in relation to contradictory the Accelerated Capital Allowances (ACA) for slurry storage, ICMSA’s Farm Business Chairperson, Shane O’Loughlin, has said that the scheme for ACA on Slurry storage is “categorically” open for three years as first indicated in Budget 2023. Mr O’Loughlin had contacted the Department on foot of what he described as “confusing and contradictory reports” and had received official confirmation that the scheme will absolutely not close in the first half of this year. Mr. O’Loughlin is urging farmers who have plans for slurry storage to proceed with their building on the understanding that as long as the costs of the infrastructure is incurred in the three years from January 2023 to December 2025, they will be eligible to apply the Accelerated Capital Allowances over the following two years.

 Ends       19 January 2023

 Shane O’Loughlin, 086-8386031

Chairperson, ICMSA Farm Business committee


 Cathal MacCarthy, 087-6168758

ICMSA Press Office