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ICMSA describe decision to scrap VAT rebate on bulk tanks as ‘deliberately damaging’ and clear contradiction of assurances of support from Taoiseach a fortnight ago.


The President of ICMSA has described the decision to rescind the VAT rebate to farmers buying bulk milk tanks, calf feeders and other items as petty and yet more evidence – “if it was even needed” – that a deliberately anti-dairy policy is being pushed throughout all agencies of Government.…

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ICMSA want complete review and relaunch of “shambolic” TAMS


The Deputy President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has called for a complete review and relaunch of TAMS 3 after describing the present scheme as “shambolic from start to finish”. Mr. Drennan, who also Chairs ICMSA’s Farm & Rural Affairs Committee, noted that previous versions of TAMS had always provided some…

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ICMSA say dairy farmers ‘losing patience’ as market improvements still not reflected in price.


The current bounce in milk markets across the globe is a welcome and ongoing development according to ICMSA Dairy Chairperson, Noel Murphy, but he warned that Irish milk suppliers are losing patience as the bounce fails to materialise in their farm gate prices. Mr. Murphy noted that 2023 had seen…

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ICMSA say meeting with EU Commissioner on Nitrates was ‘useful’ and onus now on Govt to support measures aimed at water quality stabilisation.


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that today’s meeting with EU Environmental Commissioner, Virginijus Sinkevicius, on the Nitrates issue was useful and had clarified several questions. Chief amongst those clarifications was the Commissioner’s concession that if water quality stabilised then Ireland could keep its Derogation. Mr. McCormack said that…

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ICMSA Annual General Meeting 2023

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ICMSA describe Budget 2024 as ‘A Complete Non-Event’.


Following the presentation of Budget 2024 today, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that the initial response of farmers would be one of confusion and disappointment at what he termed a ‘complete non-event’ to very serious problems in the sector that were not just there to be solved –…

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ICMSA want Liming Programme end date to be extended to 15 July 2024


Referring and welcoming the decision by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine to allow farmers to receive payment under the Liming Programme where the receipt has been submitted by 31 October 2023, and allowing the lime to be spread up to 31 March 2024, the Deputy President of ICMSA…

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ICMSA note reports of ‘one-off’ support for small to medium-sized businesses – ‘naturally’ assume farmers included.


 Commenting on reports that tomorrow’s Budget will include a once-off payment to small and medium-sized businesses to help with rising costs, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that ‘naturally’ his Association expected farmers to be included in any such arrangement.   Mr. McCormack said that his farmer-members were – and…

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Extension to Slurry Spreading Period


Acknowledging and welcoming the decision, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said it represented an acceptance of the reality of conditions.  Mr. McCormack said that this positive step needed to be built on by a review next week with the option of a further extension if that was required.  Ends…

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ICMSA at the Ploughing Row 18 Stand 300

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