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ICMSA issue ‘urgent reminder’ that Quality Assurance deadline for SCEP applications is 16 Oct.


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Livestock Committee, Des Morrison, has issued an urgent reminder to those farmers who applied for the suckler cow SCEP scheme that the closing date to be certified under the Bord Bia Quality Assurance Scheme (SBLAS) is the 16 October 2023. Mr. Morrison noted that if a…

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ICMSA say Lakelands’ decision to pay 1.2 cpl below Ornua guide “really unjustified”.


Commenting on the decision of Lakeland Dairies to pay 1.2cpl less than the Ornua PPI for August milk, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee said that a base price of 34 cpl is really unjustified and unacceptable. The Chairperson, Noel Murphy, said that it is impossible to understand how Ornua…

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ICMSA say concessions on payment dates and TAMS “overwhelmed by scale of Nitrates mess”.


Commenting after the meeting with Minister McConalogue, ICMSA President, Pat McCormack, said that his association’s message had been as simple as it was necessary: “We told Minister McConalogue that he just has to go back and get this unscientific reduction changed to take account of undeniable realities. This is not…

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ICMSA say Govt performance on Nitrates Derogation an “abject surrender”.


The President of ICMSA has accused the Government of ‘selling out’ family dairy farms and rolling over for the EU Commission on the question of maintaining Ireland’s current derogation on the Nitrates Directive.  Pat McCormack said that what he called the Government’s “abject surrender” on the issue meant that Ireland’s multi-billion…

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Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association and Women in Agriculture Stakeholders Group In Association with the the Dept. of Social Protection

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€2 Billion Hit For Dairy Farmers and A Disaster For Rural Economy.  –  ICMSA.


 The milk price reductions so far in 2023 will wipe €2 billion from dairy farmers revenues in 2023 and in turn has reduced spending in rural communities by possibly double that amount and this is going to have a very serious impact not only on the dairy farmers themselves but…

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Food Price Regulatory Office told “immediate focus” must be on Supply Chain Transparency


The recently established food price regulatory office, An Rialálaí Agraibhia, must send out a strong signal from ‘Day One’ that it is intent on exposing ‘margin-grabbing’ and delivering supply chain transparency if it is to win the confidence of the farmer primary-producesr according to ICMSA President, Pat McCormack. He said…

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ICMSA want payment dates “front and centre” in Farmers’ Charter negotiations.


Speaking following the latest meeting on the Farmers Charter negotiations, the Deputy President of ICMSA, Mr. Denis Drennan, said that his Association wanted the vexed issue of payment dates to be ‘front and centre’ in discussions and the Department cannot continue to avoid the seriousness of the issue.  Mr. Drennan…

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ICMSA say Minister “cannot hide behind a committee” on Nitrates threat.


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has said that Minister McConalogue cannot be allowed to “hide behind a committee” to delay the necessity of going back to the Commission and getting the 220kg requirement dropped. Mr. McCormack said there was a clear onus on the Minister to accept the political…

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ICMSA say revamped Dairy Beef Scheme “big part of solution” to bull calve issue.


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has called for a total revamp of the Dairy Beef Scheme and an acceptance on the part of the Minister that the scheme has to be “refunded, re-energised and redesigned” if it is to play the potentially decisive part it can play in developing…

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