ICMSA Welcome AIB Decision On Cashless Banking.
Mr. Pat McCormack, President of ICMSA has welcomed the decision of AIB to reverse the decision to make 70 branches cashless which would have had a disproportionate impact on specific rural towns and their associated hinterlands. ICMSA had called for action from Government following the AIB decision and the outcome is certainly a step in right direction but what is required is a guarantee that banking services including cash services will be retained in these towns going forward which is hugely important for the economic and social development of these towns but also from a security perspective.
The AIB decision earlier this week was a direct attack on rural Ireland, the bedrock of which is the family farms which operate in every townland in Ireland. It is essential that the key components of economic activity in rural Ireland are supported and this includes the need for local banking services as well as the normal public services that are taken for granted in urban areas, concluded Mr. McCormack.
Ends 22 July 2022
Pat McCormack is at (087) 7608958
ICMSA Head Office (061) 314677.
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