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Taoiseach Harris must repeat “adamant opposition” to renewed effort on Mercosur


 The President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has said that news that EU and Mercosur officials will meet next week in yet another attempt to ‘iron out’ long-standing obstacles to concluding the very controversial Trade Agreement provides the Government with a perfect opportunity to ‘put its money where its mouth is’…

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ICMSA say collaborative approach of Water Quality Group will pay dividends for all


 Speaking following the first meeting of Agricultural Water Quality Group since the publication of the “Water and Agriculture – A Collaborative Approach”, the Deputy President of ICMSA, Eamon Carroll, described both the document itself and process outlined as welcome and promising. Mr. Carroll said that ICMSA was confident that the…

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ICMSA say forthcoming Budget 2025 is “last chance” to deliver on Programme for Govt commitment to address excess farm income volatility


Speaking following the presentation of ICMSA’s 2025 Pre-Budget Submission to Ministers Chambers and Donohoe, the President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, said that the forthcoming Budget represented the last opportunity for this Government to make good on the commitment contained in its Programme for Government to address the issue of ruinous…

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ICMSA say proposed Commission on Generational Renewal in Farming “an exercise in futility”


 Commenting on the announcement of a Commission on Generational Renewal in Farming, the President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, said that the Government’s inability or unwillingness to accept that the difficulties in getting young people to commit to farming was directly linked to collapsing farm incomes and ever-increasing regulatory pressures meant…

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ICMSA call for 45cpl for July milk – “If ever a price rise was needed, it’s now”


Speaking in advance of the July milk price announcements, ICMSA Dairy Committee Chairperson, Noel Murphy, has said that milk purchasers and Co-ops are obliged to keep up with current market movements and this should result in an increase across the board for July milk with 45cpl very achievable.  Mr. Murphy…

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ICMSA Notes Decision Of High Court in An Taisce Nitrates Case.


Commenting on today’s decision of the High Court to refer nine of the twelve issues identified to the Court of Justice of the European Union, the President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, said that ICMSA noted the decision of the High Court and welcomed the clarity brought to these complex issues.…

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ICMSA say Govt “should be ashamed” of farm incomes revealed by Teagasc National Farm Survey


The President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has said that the Teagasc National Farm Survey, released today, shows a 69% collapse in dairy farm incomes in just the last year.    Mr. Drennan said that Government’s inaction in the face of the collapse in farmer incomes and the value of the agriculture…

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ICMSA want Inheritance Tax reforms to distinguish between farm succession and ‘High Net Worth’ investors


Speaking following a meeting between the Minister for Agriculture, Food & Marine, Charlie McConalogue, and an ICMSA delegation in relation to farmer priorities for Budget 2025, the association’s President, Denis Drennan,  said that this last Budget by the present Government must deliver for farmers across a range of issues, particularly…

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ICMSA dismiss von der Leyen’s ‘new’ strategy for agriculture until “fundamental binary decision” addressed – Commission guilty of “disabling political cowardice”


 The President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has said that Ursula von der Leyen’s remarks in which she referenced ‘a new European strategy for our agriculture and food sector’ could not be taken seriously until such point as the Commission finally chooses to either fundamentally reform margins in the Food Supply…

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ICMSA wants Minister to inform farmers of their fertiliser allowances


The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine should immediately inform all farmers of the amount of fertiliser they are legally allowed to spread between now and the Closing Date as there is utter confusion on the question, according to ICMSA Deputy President, Eamon Carroll. “In the face of the fodder…

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