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EU beef prices rise, UK beef prices stable, Irish beef prices fall – ICMSA want to know why?


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Livestock Committee has again pointed to what he described as the “bluntly suspicious” development that has beef prices either rising or stable all over Europe – except for Ireland. Des Morrison said that “yet again” Irish factories – uniquely in Europe – had managed to find…

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ICMSA say aspects of Minister McConalogue’s speech at Tullamore were “disingenuous”


The President of ICMSA has again criticised Minister McConalogue for what Pat McCormack says is a completely disingenuous message on the ‘voluntary’ nature of Government policy.  Citing remarks made by Minister McConalogue yesterday at the Tullamore Show in which the Minister was, again, quoted as saying that “no measure will…

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ICMSA say Govt Policy on Farm Destocking “A Three Card Trick”


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has flatly contradicted the statements of Government Ministers who continue to maintain that compulsory destocking of family farms need not happen and is not being sought. So far from that being the case, Mr McCormack said that such compulsory destocking has already begun and…

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ICMSA say increased ask on emissions from farmers moves ‘Difficult’ to ‘Impossible’ selling out family farms.


Responding to the announcement of a 25% emissions reduction for agriculture, Pat McCormack, the President of the ICMSA, the state’s specialist dairy farmer organisation, said that the Government’s decision would have wholly negative and predictable economic, social and demographic consequences for the massive areas of the state that depended on…

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ICMSA Educational Agri Tour to Madrid 03-06 October 2022

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Milk Policy

ICMSA Welcome AIB Decision On Cashless Banking.


Mr. Pat McCormack, President of ICMSA has welcomed the decision of AIB to reverse the decision to make 70 branches cashless which would have had a disproportionate impact on specific rural towns and their associated hinterlands.   ICMSA had called for action from Government following the AIB decision and the outcome…

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Economics Of Organics Needs To Be Clarified – ICMSA.


Commenting on the announcement by Minister Hackett on improved payment rates under the Organics Scheme from 1 January 2023, Mr. Denis Drennan, Deputy President and Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm & Rural Affairs Committee said that while improved payment rates are always welcome, the reality is that unless the economics of…

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Demonisation of Agriculture Needs to Stop. –  ICMSA. Irish farmers have a critical role to play in Ireland’s climate strategy and we need to move away from demonising the sector and start to put in place real plans to allow the sector to continue to do what it is good…

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Loss Of Banking Services A Further Blow For Rural Towns and Surrounding Areas – ICMSA.


Speaking in relation to AIB’s decision to make 70 of its 170 branches cashless including the removal of ATM machines, the President of ICMSA, Mr. Pat McCormack said, that there will be huge disappointment in the towns concerned and their associated rural areas and it will put further pressure on…

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High Court Judgement On Farm Insolvency Case Welcomed. –  ICMSA.


Speaking in relation to the High Court case approving a PIA for a farmer being pursued by a financial institution, Mr. Shane O’Loughlin, Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm Business Committee, welcomed the decision of the High Court and said that the PIA mechanism provided a basis for farmers who find themselves…

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