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ICMSA welcome new loan scheme option for farmers


Noting an interest rate of 3.75% on loans up to €250,000, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm Business Committee, Shane O’Loughlin, said that farmers looking for funding for their farm business should consider the Covid-19 Loan Scheme (‘CLS’) announced yesterday by Ministers Varadkar, Donohoe and McConalogue.  Loans of between €25,000 and…

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ICMSA calling for 55 Cents Per Litre as ‘minimum’ for June Milk


Speaking in advance of milk price announcements for June, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee, Noel Murphy, said, that while dairy markets continue in a very strong position the returns being achieved at milk processor level are still not being fully reflected in the price being paid to farmers. “While…

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ICMSA say dairy farmers facing up to 33% herd reduction under Minister’s derogation policy


Speaking following a meeting with the Minister for Agriculture, Food & Marine, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack said that that family dairy farmers have been ‘sold out’ by the Minister. Mr. McCormack said that the Minister’s plan to reduce cow numbers on family dairy farms under a measure agreed…

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The Exclusion Of Family Dairy Farms From Fodder Support Scheme Highlights The Direction Of Government Policy –  ICMSA.


The President of ICMSA, Mr. Pat McCormack has described the decision of the Minister for Agriculture, Food & Marine to exclude milk suppliers from the fodder support scheme as scandalous and yet again, highlights the bias that has developed within the current Government and policymakers against family farms. We now…

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Ireland must continue to attempt to extricate the British Govt ‘from the latest hole it has dug for itself’


Commenting on the announcement that the British Government intends bringing forward legislation that will unilaterally overrule aspects of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that we are entering a period when cool heads and calm exposition will be needed. Mr. McCormack said that while we…

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Embrace Farm

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ICMSA call for Base Milk Price of 53cpl for May


A base milk price of 53 cents per litre is fully justified for May milk, according to the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee. Noel Murphy said that Co-op boards should be considering this as the minimum when they meet next week to set May milk price. Mr. Murphy said that…

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ICMSA welcome 5cpl increase in Glanbia Base Milk Price and predict same again for next month


Commenting on the Glanbia Ireland base price increase of five cents per litre that will give suppliers a price for March milk of 47.08cpl, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee, Noel Murphy, said that the Association expected a similar price increase for milk supplied this month. “We want to welcome…

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TAMS Costings Increases “hopelessly short of what was required” say ICMSA


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm & Rural Affairs Committee said that “yet another” opportunity to modernise TAMS and make it fit-for-purpose had been spurned as the Department announced lower than expected increases in the reference costs across a range from 5 to 15%. Pointing out that CMSA has repeatedly highlighted…

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Stamp Duty

Reported Environmental Permit System will regulate family farms “out of existence”


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has warned that the Environmental Permit System being proposed by the Commission for farms with 150 livestock units or more will move Ireland’s family farm system decisively towards destruction and he appealed for some degree of logic to be brought to the debate “before…

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