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ICMSA say science should decide EU Parliament’s position on Animal Transport Regulations


Addressing the upcoming vote in the EU Parliament on animal transport regulations, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that it is vital that any decisions taken in relation to animal transport legislation have a strong scientific basis and are “not based on pre-defined political views.” Mr. McCormack said he…

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ICMSA want Co-ops to consider 2021 End-Of-Year Bonus


Reviewing market returns throughout the twelve months of 2021 and the milk price paid to farmers, the newly elected Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee, Noel Murphy, said that significant returns from the market were achieved last year and milk processor boards must now look at paying an end-of-year bonus to milk…

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ICMSA say “Science, Not Sentiment” must decide Animal Transport Regulations


  Commenting on the report produced by the ANIT Committee in the European Parliament, the President of ICMSA said that while respecting the right of the Committee to set outs its view on animal transport, it is absolutely essential that decisions taken in relation to animal transport legislation have a…

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ICMSA welcome deferral of Antiparasitic changes but warn of confusion around upcoming Vet Medicine Regulations


Speaking after a meeting of the Antiparasitic Implementation Committee, ICMSA Deputy President, Lorcan McCabe, welcomed the deferral of part of the Veterinary Medicine Regulation and said that the deferral should apply to all the regulation to allow sufficient time to come up with practical and workable solutions for both farmers, vets…

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ICMSA says Glanbia proposal will be looked at carefully – “Interests of farmer-suppliers must be starting and finishing point”


Responding to the Glanbia announcement, ICMSA President, Pat McCormack, said that the association would look carefully at the proposal before coming to any decision on whether to recommend it or not. Mr. McCormack noted Glanbia PLC’s enthusiastic and positive vision of a post purchase future where the Co-op became ‘one…

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Farmers will engage constructively but “will not be made fools of” say ICMSA


   The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that farmers will constructively engage with the climate action plan, but he warned that “farmers will not be made fools of” and the Government needs to show due respect to the farming and rural communities. “Farmers are perfectly entitled to feel that…

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Stamp Duty

ICMSA say surging fertiliser costs “burning through” better output prices


While output prices for most farm commodities did increase during 2021, the President of ICMSA has said that the benefits of these long-overdue prices increase are being completely wiped out due to an across-the-board surge in farm input costs. Pat McCormack said that “by far” the most concerning rise in…

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ICMSA critical of Dairy Calf Beef CAP allocation – “ Half-hearted support for a better economics and lower emissions solution”


   The proposed allocation of €25m over five years for a Dairy Calf Scheme announced under the CAP Strategic Plan is hugely disappointing and represents half-hearted support for a better economics and lower emissions solution, according to Des Morrison, Chairperson of ICMSA’s Livestock Committee. Noting that all the initial calls…

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ICMSA reject “rigid solutions” for flexibility and room to adjust farm climate measures


The President of ICMSA said that it was alarming to hear spokespersons continuing to use and stress the word ‘feasible’ where that referred exclusively to environmental progress. Pat McCormack said that what was at stake was nothing less than the economic feasibility of Ireland outside the cities and largest towns…

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