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ICMSA say restriction on sustainable dairying is “hugely disappointing”.


Speaking following a meeting with Glanbia Ireland on its proposed peak management scheme, the President of ICMSA said that it is hugely disappointing that an Irish processor has found itself in a situation outside of its control whereby it must introduce such a scheme and restrict family farms from reaching…

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ICMSA say new Kerry Forward Price Scheme is “the benchmark” for other Co-ops and processors.


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee has described the latest forward price scheme offering by Kerry Co-op as extremely encouraging and Ger Quain said it was a ‘vote of confidence’ in dairy prospects through Peak Production and into Q3.  Noting that the Kerry scheme offers a base of 34.8cpl at…

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Decision to increase VAT Rate on milk recording is counter to Govt policy and should be reversed.


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm Business Committee has called on the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohue, to reverse the decision to increase the VAT rate on milk recording, Shane O’Loughlin said that ICMSA raised the issue last year in 2020 and the association was disappointed that the matter had not…

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ICMSA call for TAMS Reference Costs to be increased and applied to grants currently “in the system”.


Speaking following a meeting of the Farmers Charter Committee today, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm and Rural Affairs Committee said that the association proposed that the Department immediately review the reference costs being used for TAMS investments to reflect the increased cost of materials in recent months.   Denis Drennan said that…

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Midlands Rewetting – ICMSA welcome Bord na Mona clarifications but note “inescapable contradiction” in semi-state’s position.


Speaking after a meeting with Bord na Mona and what he described as “a detailed and comprehensive presentation” of the reasons and procedures around the proposed Bord na Mona rewetting project, ICMSA President, Pat McCormack, said that a lot of matters had been clarified as far as his Association is…

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Department decision to extend Covid-related Bovine TB testing procedures welcomed.


The Deputy President of the ICMSA has welcomed the decision of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine to continue until June 1 operating the TB Covid -19 procedures in place for the last number months. Lorcan McCabe said that the Department are to be commended on their early decision to extend…

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Double-digit jump in dairy markets puts case for farmer price increase “beyond doubt”


Speaking following the 15% increase in the GDT, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee said that it placed the recent steady increases recorded ‘in the shade’ and makes overwhelming the case for a farmer price increase for February milk. Ger Quain noted that it also sets up peak milk supply…

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ICMSA say Ulster Bank withdrawal must accelerate the reforms required.


The President of ICMSA said the decision of Ulster Bank to withdraw from the Irish market was “extremely concerning” and Pat McCormack said that the move must accelerate Government efforts “which should already have been in train” to introduce much more meaningful competition into the Irish banking landscape. Mr. McCormack…

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Report says EU Trade Agreements benefit EU farmers – “illogical and pointless” say ICMSA


The President of ICMSA has rejected the findings of a report published by the EU Commission that purports to show that the EU’s policy on trade deals has benefitted its indigenous farming and agri-food sector.   The Commission’s report claims that EU policy will result in substantial increases in EU agri-food…

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ICMSA say farmers “disappointed and irritated” by Ministerial reluctance to signal that environmental measures “must” mean higher consumer food prices.


The President of ICMSA has said that farmers will be disappointed and irritated by the sentiments expressed by Minister of State, Pippa Hackett, on her attendance and impressions of the 13th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture.  Pat McCormack said that while no-one doubted the absolute importance of the environmental…

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