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ICMSA ‘warmly welcome’ EU Parliament ban on food commodities derived from deforestation – but stress verification


The President of ICMSA has warmly welcomed yesterday’s approval by the European Parliament of a law that will ban all importation of beef into the EU involved in any destruction of forestry.  Mr. Pat McCormack said that the law governing beef, soy, coffee, and other commodities was absolutely required against…

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ICMSA say linkage of Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme ‘disappointing and disconnecting’.


The Deputy President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, has described the reservation of eligibility for the Traditional Farm Building Grant Scheme to farmers participating in ACRES, EIPs, Organic Farming Schemes, Hen Harrier, Peral Mussel and the Burren Projects as disappointing and disconnecting. Mr. Drennan noted that the linkage was arbitrary and…

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ICMSA demand ‘hold’ on milk price to halt ‘disastrous crossover’ into costs exceeding price


  ICMSA Dairy Chairperson,  Noel Murphy, has stated that while dairy markets are under some pressure at wholesale level which resulted in Co-ops imposing massive cuts to farm gate prices price in the first two months of 2023, it is time for these milk purchasers to show their mettle over…

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ICMSA say farmers supplying 400,000L to Lakelands on course to see 2023 income drop by €48,000.


The President of ICMSA has described the cuts in milk price announced since the start of the year as “absolutely horrendous” and noted that for a farmer supplying 400,000 litres to Lakelands, the drop in revenue for 2023 will be of the order of €48,000.  Pat McCormack said that this…

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ICMSA and International Women’s Day


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that International Women’s Day gave everyone involved in Irish farming and the wider agri-sector an opportunity to simply acknowledge the fact that there would be no such thing as ‘Irish farming’ without the central role played by women. To our shame, that role…

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Coming up on mid-March and still no sign of Dept’s official communication on N farmer banding rates


The President of ICMSA has described as “stunning” the fact that most dairy farmers in the State have yet to receive official notification from the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine on what nitrates ‘Band’ they will be in. Speaking after a recent meeting with officials, Pat McCormack said…

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ICMSA President calls on Oireachtas finance Committee to ascertain the basis for 1900 AIB ‘write-offs’.


The President of ICMSA, the state’s dairy farmer organisation, has called on the Oireachtas finance committee due to hear AIB’s account of the 90% ‘write-offs’ given to some 1900 borrowers to ascertain – on behalf of the taxpayers who then owned the bank – the basis and criteria for those…

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ICMSA critical as hen harrier payments head for “fourth delay”


The Deputy President of ICMSA has noted that the 2022 payments due to those farmers eligible under the Hen Harrier scheme are now headed towards their fourth delay. Denis Drennan, who also serves as chair of the association’s Farm & Rural Affairs Committee, said that numerous complaints have been received…

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ICMSA meet Department of Justice, Gardai and NPWS and call for “specific data” on trespass-hunting on farms.


Speaking after a meeting with the Department of Justice, An Garda Siochana, and the National Parks and Wildlife, the Deputy President of ICMSA, Denis Drennan, said that many matters needed to be clarified if what he called the “endemic problem” of farm trespass by organised illegal hunting gangs is to…

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ICMSA say suspicions growing around fertiliser sellers’ reluctance to quote prices for orders


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has said that the association has been made aware of numerous cases where fertiliser suppliers have actually refused to quote enquiring farmers a current price for a specific volume.  Mr. McCormack said the practice was leading to speculation amongst farmers that – as the…

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