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ICMSA say Base Price Of 50cpl For March Milk “Needed and Justified”


Speaking in advance of the imminent March milk price announcements by the Co-ops, ICMSA Dairy Committee Chairperson, Noel Murphy, has called on all Co-ops and milk purchasers to bring base milk price up to 50cpl for March supplies. Mr. Murphy said that the price is fully justified by market returns…

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ICMSA welcome Glanbia movement of Fixed Milk Price Schemes.


ICMSA President Pat McCormack had welcomed the announcement from Glanbia to provide options to those farmers that are facing considerable challenges from having large percentages of the milk contracted under Fixed Milk Price Schemes. There is growing and unprecedented pressure on dairy farmers who locked into these contracts in the…

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Cap on Dairy Production – ICMSA reject it and say we must be able to rely on statements made by Tanaiste “mere days ago”


The President of ICMSA has said that “there are no circumstances” in which ICMSA will agree to a cap on the volumes of milk produced in Ireland.   Mr. Pat McCormack said that the whole multi-billion Euro sector was relying on the recent comments of both Professor Boyle and Tanaiste Varadkar…

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ICMSA demand to know who’s setting the National Climate Strategy: Government or environmental quangos?


Reacting to the announcement that Friends of the Irish Environment has launched a High Court challenge to the Government’s Food Vision 2030 Strategy, ICMSA President, Pat McCormack, said that it was now imperative that what he called “the duly elected Government” proceeded with the plan. Mr. McCormack said that the…

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ICMSA welcome “retro eligibility” of last Autumn’s calves for Dairy Beef Calf Scheme


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Livestock Committee had welcomed the announcement by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine that calves born after 1 July 2021 will be eligible for inclusion in the 2022 Dairy Beef Calf Scheme.  The announcement was made following a meeting and on foot of repeated…

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Forestry Plan 2022 dismissed – “Problem is not lack of ambition; the problem is administrative chaos”


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm & Rural Affairs Committee has said that “unfortunately” he cannot see how the Forestry Licencing Plan 2022 – details of which were published last week – will deal with a forestry sector that he described as “completely seized-up”. Denis Drennan said the stress that the…

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ICMSA lash “yet another level of consultants in new Agri-Environment measures – “Green gravy train”


  The President of ICMSA has said that farmer attention on the new Agri-Environment Climate Measure (AECM) is bound to fall very quickly on the ‘project teams’ that will be assigned to the various locations around the country earmarked for the scheme. Pat McCormack said that it is perfectly obvious…

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ICMSA leader says widespread metal theft highlights official ‘split-personality’ attitude to regulation and enforcement


  The President of ICMSA has accused successive Irish Governments of a split-personality attitude to regulation and enforcement that “is gradually wearing down the decent majority.”  Pat McCormack said that it was absolutely infuriating to be reading again about an epidemic of theft right across rural areas aimed at harvesting…

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Fonterra raise price range again but ICMSA say Irish Co-ops are “dragging their heels on price”


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee said that today’s (25/01) announcement by Fonterra Co-op in New Zealand that its forecast milk price for 2022 will further increase is a clear indication of the direction of milk price. Mr Noel Murphy said that while the Association expects price-per-litre to reach 43…

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ICMSA’s McCormack welcomes decision of EU Parliament on Animal Transport Regulations – “Sense and science have prevailed”


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, has welcomed the decision of the European Parliament to accept amendments to the ANIT Committee proposals on animal transport.  Mr. McCormack said that the proposals from the ANIT Committee were clearly unworkable from both the perspective of animal welfare and farming. He said he…

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