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ICMSA critical of Dairy Calf Beef CAP allocation – “ Half-hearted support for a better economics and lower emissions solution”


   The proposed allocation of €25m over five years for a Dairy Calf Scheme announced under the CAP Strategic Plan is hugely disappointing and represents half-hearted support for a better economics and lower emissions solution, according to Des Morrison, Chairperson of ICMSA’s Livestock Committee. Noting that all the initial calls…

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ICMSA reject “rigid solutions” for flexibility and room to adjust farm climate measures


The President of ICMSA said that it was alarming to hear spokespersons continuing to use and stress the word ‘feasible’ where that referred exclusively to environmental progress. Pat McCormack said that what was at stake was nothing less than the economic feasibility of Ireland outside the cities and largest towns…

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ICMSA predicts Irish milk price to hit 40cpl rise as Fonterra increase to their highest price ever paid


The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee has said that the association is confident that that the next round of price announcements scheduled for the end of the first week of November will see a rise in the prices paid to Irish milk suppliers. Gerald Quain said that the international demand…

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Farm Emissions – ICMSA say rigid target reductions will be overtaken by science – “Transition should be flexible and responsive”


The President of ICMSA has said that the reported cuts in agri-related emissions will be “a huge challenge and one that can only be contemplated – much less achieved – with massive support and commitment from every level of Government in Ireland”.   Mr. Pat McCormack said that his Association was…

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ICMSA say Budget 2022 “falls short of the challenge and the opportunity”


The President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that farmers would look in vain to Budget 2022 for any signal that the Government understood the scale of the challenge that it is putting before the State’s farm families.   Mr. McCormack said that “yet again” there was a gross mismatch between the…

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Farm Leader questions premise and eligibility of State Sector Covid Bonus


The President of the state’s specialist dairy farmer organisation has said that self-employed people and people working in the private sector are looking on with “bemusement” as state employees who sat at home from Day One of the pandemic now loudly proclaim their own ‘sacrifices’ and jostle for their place…

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ICMSA say UN Food Summit “won’t even address the core problem – let alone solve it”


  Speaking days before Minister McConalogue represents Ireland at the U.N. Food Systems Summit, the President of ICMSA has said that the possibility of anything meaningful emerging from the conference was “virtually nil”.   Mr. Pat McCormack said that until the dominant role of multinational retail corporations in global food systems…

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Oireachtas Committee told that Nitrate proposals need revision to reflect practical realities of farming


     The Oireachtas Committee of Agriculture and Marine has been told by the President of ICMSA that significant revisions of the proposed Nitrate regulations will certainly be required around cow banding and slurry and soiled water spreading dates if the regulations are to reflect the practical realities of farming…

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Milk Policy

Ministers Told That CAP Strategic Plan Must Support Farmers Through “Historic Challenge”


Speaking following a meeting with Minister McConalogue and Ministers for State Hackett and Heydon, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, said that critical decisions made over the coming months will essentially determine whether or not  the Irish family farm model has a future. Mr. McCormack said that farmers had a…

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EU Market Transparency Rules must tackle “margin mystery”on food prices


Welcoming the announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine on the signing into law of EU market transparency rules, the President of ICMSA, Pat McCormack, described the move as a long overdue ‘step in the right direction’. But he stressed the success or otherwise of this initiative will…

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